Gail McQueen

Professional Home Economist







Food and Consumer News


 Big Changes in Infant Feeding Guidelines

Health Canada along with the Canadian Paediatric Society, Dietitians of Canada and Breast Feeding Committee for Canada has recently released a joint statement on infant nutrition which includes specific recommendations for healthy term infants from birth to six months.

The new guidelines now emphasize the importance of introducing iron-rich foods such as meat, meat alternatives (eggs, tofu and legumes) and iron fortified infant cereals as baby's first solid foods at about six months. This differs from the previous practice of introducing infant cereals, followed by vegetables and fruit as a transition to solid food.

Another surprising recommendation allows for whole eggs and fish to be offered at about six months if there is no family history of food allergy. Previously, egg white and fish were withheld in an attempt to prevent allergies later. There is no evidence that delaying these items reduces allergies.

There is now a much greater emphasis on Breast Feeding with the recommendation that breast feeding should be be "exclusively for the first six months of life and sustained for two years or longer with appropriate complimentary feeding. For more information about the guidelines go to


Mono- and Polyunsaturated Fat Health Claims

Health Canada has recently released it's assessment for a "Health Claim about Replacement of Saturated Fat With Mono- and Polyunsaturated Fat and Cholesterol Lowering".

What exactly does all this mean?

It means that Health Canada has conducted a review of the current literature and concludes that there is scientific evidence to support health claims linking replacement of saturated fat with unsaturated fat to a reduction of blood cholesterol. Applicable food products will now be able to carry a health claim statement that reflects this evidence in relation to their product. It should be noted that only specific health claim statements approved by Health Canada may be used and that conditions for foods to carry a health claim do apply. Watch for food products using these health claims on their labels and in their advertising in the future.

For more information go to


One Sugary Drink A Day May Raise Heart Disease Risk

A study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health found that the men who drank one 12-ounce sugar sweetened beverage a day had a 20% higher risk of coronary heart disease compared to the men who didn't drink any sugar sweetened drinks.

The researchers followed 42,883 men for 22 years as part of the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. They then looked at who developed heart disease. In this study, heart disease was defined as fatal and non fatal heart attacks. Blood samples were also examined.

When the intake frequency of sugary drinks was examined, the researchers found that for these men, just having one sugary drink per day increased their risk of coronary heart disease. Less frequent consumption of sugary drinks did not increase risk. Consumption of sugar sweetened beverages was also associated with adverse changes in lipids, inflammatory factors and leptin. By contrast, intake of artificially sweetened beverages was not associated with coronary heart disease risk or biomarkers.

In this study, other risk factors such as age, smoking, physical activity, alcohol use, BMI, and family history were taken into consideration.

Published March 12, 2012 in the Journal Circulation

Safe Sprouts Require Clean Seeds

The popularity of raw sprouts has increased over the years and with it the potential for food borne illness. Researchers at the University of Illinois think they have the answer. The key to keeping sprouts safe lies in the cleaning of the seeds.

"Once seeds have germinated, it's too late. Sprouts are extremely complex structures with a forest-like root system that conceals microorganisms. Just a few E. coli cells can grow to a substantial population during germination and sprouting, and it's difficult to get rid of them all,"

said Hao Feng, University of Illinois associate professor of food and bioprocess engineering.

In his experiments he used both the FDA - recommended dose of chorine to kill the microorganisms and a new sanitizer that was a combination of surfactant and organic acid. Advanced technology was used to determine the seeds surface structure and to calculate each seeds' surface roughness.

The texture of the seed surface was found to be a critical factor in the cleaning process. It is much easier to eliminate bacteria from seeds with smooth surfaces like alfalfa, than those with rough surfaces like broccoli or radish. Seeds with a rough texture are more susceptible to the attachment of pathogens and once attached it is more difficult to remove these microorganisms.

Feng's study is the cover story of the August 2011 issue of the Journal of Food Science. Two other papers that detail his work with sprouts will appear in future issues of that journal and the Journal of Food Protection.


Fruit Wash Labels

Those sticky little labels on fruit can be a real nuisance that often damage the fruit or leave a gummy residue behind when removed? Scott Amron may have the answer. He has invented a label that actually dissolves into an organic fruit cleansing produce wash that helps remove wax, pesticides, dirt and bacteria. The transformation occurs simply by washing with water.

Not on the market yet, but hopefully coming soon.

Salt and Cognitive Decline

Recent research gives one more reason to watch the salt. The study examined the diets and activity levels of 1,262 healthy men and women aged 67 - 84 in Quebec over a 3 year period. It found that a diet high in sodium combined with little exercise was especially detrimental to cognitive performance, while sedentary adults following a low sodium diet showed no cognitive decline over the three year period. Low sodium was defined as 2,263 mg or less, mid sodium 2,264 - 3,190 mg and high Sodium 3,191 mg and more. The research was published August 2011 in The Journal Neurobiology of Aging.


Nutty Goodness

Dr. David Jenkins and colleagues at St. Michael's Hospital Toronto have demonstrated that consuming two ounces of nuts daily as a replacement for carbohydrate foods improved both glycemic control and serum lipids in people with Type 2 diabetes.

In the study subjects were randomized to one of three treatments for three months. Three different supplements were provided. One group was given muffins. Another was given a mixture of nuts. The third group was given a mixture of both muffins and nuts.

Those receiving nuts only supplement had the greatest improvement in glycemic control. This group also experienced a significant reduction in low density lipoprotein cholesterol (known as LDL or "bad cholesterol"). The study was published online in the Journal of Diabetes Care.


 Probiotic Molecule

Researchers at the University of Guelph have discovered a molecule that has the potential to prevent and possibly treat harmful food and water borne illness. The molecule produced by certain probiotic bacteria acts by interfering with the pathogen's ability to attach to the intestinal wall thus preventing the infection from progressing.

Initial studies have been with mice and the pathogen E. coli 0157 but further research suggests that similar success may be possible in humans and that the molecule may be effective not only against E. coli 0157 but other enteric pathogens such as C. Difficile, Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria.

News wire release July 11, 2011.


Omega-3 Fats and Cognitive Decline

A recent population based study from Paris, France tracked 3294 adults (male and female) with an average age of 64 over a 13 year period. The study found that self reported cognitive complaints were less fequent among participants with higher intakes of the omega- 3 fatty acids DHA plus EPA. Self evaluated cognive complaints may be an early indicator of cognitive decline.

E. Kesse- Guyott, S. Peneau et al, The Journal of Nutrition,Health & Aging, 2011 Volume 15, Number 2,115- 120.


Pesticides In Foods

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released revised information for 2011 regarding pesticide residues in common conventionally grown fruits and vegetables. A list of 53 produce items have been ranked according to their pesticide load.

Here is the revised list.


Sodium Reduction Strategy

On July 29, 2010 Health Canada's Sodium Working Group (SWG) released a national strategy to reduce Sodium intake. One of the interim goals is to reduce the average daily sodium intake of Canadians from 3400 mg to 2300 mg by 2016. This is still well above the 1500 mg per day recommended by the Institute of Medicine of the U. S. National Academies (IOM).

The report can be accessed at the following link:


Health Canada Informational Web Site

Health Canada has launched an informational website. As well as providing Canadians with valuable health resources, this site allows consumers to easily access information regarding Recalled Food and Children's Products.

Check out :