Gail McQueenProfessional Home Economist |
New And Noteworthy At The Market
BecelBecel has released a new margarine, Becel pro.activ ®. It is calorie reduced and contains plant sterols. Plant sterols (also called phytosterols) occur naturally in plants and vegetable oils. Research has shown that when consumed in sufficiently high levels, plant sterols can reduce serum total and LDL cholesterol. (Posted Sept 14, 2010) Rheinhart FoodsRheinhart Foods has a new vinegar, Allen's Double Strength Vinegar. Regular vinegar with 5% acetic acid has long been known for it's cleaning capabilities as well as it's anti-microbial effect. This new double strength version with 10% acetic acid offers even better results, while still being environmentally friendly. Look for it at a grocery store near you. (Posted Sept 14, 2010) Gay Lee FoodsGay Lea Foods has reduced the sodium content of all it's Nordica ® cottage cheeses by 25-30%. This move came just prior to the release of the Sodium Consumption Strategy Report which recommended that food manufacturers voluntarily lower the sodium content of their products. Sodium consumption is a major public health issue in Canada with the average Canadian consuming 3400 mg per day, more than double what we need. Health Canada hopes that by 2016 the average consumption of Sodium will be down to 2300 mg per day. Watch for more foods reduced in sodium to come. (Posted Sept 14, 2010) |