Gail McQueenProfessional Home Economist |
Food FAQs
What is the difference between rapeseed oil and canola oil?Both oils are seed oils produced from the pressed seeds of their respective plants. Rapeseed is actually the parent plant of canola. Using traditional plant breeding techniques, a variety of rapeseed was bred to produce lower levels of glucosinolates and euric acid in the seeds. The result was canola. This occurred at the University of Manitoba in 1974. The name Canola is a contraction of "Canadian oil, low acid". In Europe canola oil is often called rapeseed oil, oilseed rape or rape oil. This is done to distinguish the canola oil used there from genetically modified canola oil or GM canola. GM canola is not allowed in Europe. About 80% of the canola grown in Canada is now genetically modified. This was done to make the plant tolerant to some herbicides. For more information go to
What are the health benefits of olive oil?The traditional Mediterranean diet has long been considered one of the healthiest in the world. The longevity and general good health of the people eating this type of diet has prompted much research. Although many foods contribute to the diet's success, the liberal use of olive oil cannot be underestimated. We now know that consumption of olive oil helps to protect against heart disease in many ways. When substituted for unhealthy trans and saturated fats, it helps lower both the total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, while not lowering the HDL (good) cholesterol or raising triglyceride levels. It also helps protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation. Olive oil has the ability to lower blood pressure and to make blood less sticky. Two factors that can reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Research shows that it also has a positive effect on blood vessel function. In the past, most of the heart healthy benefits of olive oil were attributed to the monounsaturated fatty acids that it contained. More recent research demonstrates that the oil provides many different phytochemicals (plant compounds) that also play an important role in protecting against heart disease. Most of the phytochemicals identified are polyphenols. Polyphenols act as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents in the body. The benefits of these phytochemicals are not just confined to heart health. There is evidence to suggest that the polyphenols in olive oil may protect against certain cancers and may reduce the risk of inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. The research continues. Other areas of interest include the positive effects that olive may have on dementia, gastrointestinal health and immune function. It should be noted that extra virgin olive oil has more of these health promoting phytochemicals because it is obtained from the first pressing of the oil.
How do you know when quinoa is cooked?Quinoa is cooked when the quinoa kernels have turned from white to transparent and their germs are fully or partially detatched, appearing as short white curled threads.
What is celiac disease?Celiac disease, also known as gluten induced enteropathy or non tropical sprue is an autoimmune condition. Individuals with this condition have a sensitivity to the protein gluten. For them, eating foods that contain the protein causes a toxic reaction that damages the cells of their small intestine. This results in a reduced ability to absorb nutrients and can cause many unpleasant symptoms including fatigue, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, even rash. At present there is no cure for celiac disease but it can be successfully treated by following a life long gluten free diet.
What is gluten?Gluten is a general term for the proteins found in specific grains that are harmful to individuals with celiac disease. The offending grains that have been identified are wheat, rye and barley.
What is a Gluten Free Diet?A gluten free diet is a diet that eliminates all food products that are made using wheat, rye, barley or related grains. A popular misconception is that spelt and kamut are allowed on the diet. They are both species of wheat, contain gluten and are are to be avoided. Similarly, triticale a hybrid of wheat and rye, also has gluten. In the past oats was considered an offending grain but recent findings suggest that pure oats (oats that are processed in a facility without gluten grains) are ok. Unfortunately pure oats are hard to find. PAVENA is a trademark program to identify pure uncontaminated oats. In bread it is the gluten from the flour that gives the loaf it's structure. Gluten helps dough to bind and prevents crumbling. For this reason we find gluten in many baked goods, in the flour used to make the product as well as an added ingredient to achieve the desired texture. Whole grain breads often are made using added gluten so that the bread will not be too dense. The presence of gluten is not limited to baked goods and cereals. Beverages that are made from these grains can carry gluten as well. This includes malted beverages, beer, ale, postum etc. Even malt vinegar is suspect. Sometimes gluten sources are not that obvious. Products like sauces soups, even sausages may have wheat flour added as a thickening agent or as a filler. Processed foods often use flavour enhancers. The common ones are HVP, (hydrolysed vegetable protein) and HPP (hydrolysed plant protein). If the HVP or HPP is from wheat, rye or barley, or if the protein source is not specified, it should be be avoided. Following a gluten free diet can be challenging. It requires a lot of label reading as well as keeping up with ingredient changes occurring in commercial products. For individuals with celiac disease, careful adherence to the diet does pay off. For more detailed information about celiac disease, the diet, certified gluten free products and other resources see:
How long does it take to thaw a turkey?When thawing a turkey or other poultry in the refrigerator, allow 5 hours per pound (11 hours per kg). For example: A 12 pound bird would require 60 hours (2 1/2) days in the refridgerator.
What is a Greek style pita or flatbread?A Greek style pita is a flattered without a pocket. It is a little thicker than an ordinary pita and has a chewier texture. It can be used as a wrap to make gyros and donairs, torn into pieces for dipping or used as a base for meat and vegetable toppings. Most other pitas, in contrast to Greek Style pitas, are baked at a high temperature causing them to puff up considerably. When these breads are removed from the oven they deflate but the layers of dough inside remain separated, leaving a large air space or pocket. These pitas are typically cut in half and the pockets filled with a variety of ingredients. What is Lutein?Lutein is a phytochemical and part of the carotenoid family of plant pigments. Like other phytochemicals, it doesn't appear to be essential for life, but studies suggest that a diet rich in lutein may slow the development of age related macular degeneration and cataracts. It is still not known whether lutein supplements have any effect on these age related ailments. Lutein and other carotenoids are antioxidants. They are able to defend the body against free radical attack. This may explain some of their health benefits. A diet rich in carotinoids in general has been linked to a lower risk of heart disease and some cancers. Lutein and other carotenoids are fat soluble and thus require a small amount of fat to be absorbed properly. There currently is no recommended intakes for carotenoids or lutein specifically. Since phytochemicals are known to work together and with other nutrients, the general advice is to eat a healthy diet as outlined in Canada's Food Guide with a variety of fruits and vegetables, including one dark green and one orange vegetable per day. Good food Sources of Lutein include: Eggs (especially those from chickens fed a high lutein diet), spinach, kale, spring collard greens, broccoli, kiwifruit, brussel sprouts, romaine lettuce, green peas, rhubarb, and corn.
How do you rehydrate sun dried tomatoes?To rehydrate sun dried tomatoes, place in boiling water and let stand 2 minutes. Drain. Microwave Method: Place 1/2 cup sun dried tomatoes in a 2 cup glass measure. Add water until it reaches the 1 cup mark. Microwave, uncovered, on High for 1 1/2 - 2 minutes, until water just begins to boil. Let stand 2 minutes. Drain. Note: Caution should always be taken when dealing with boiling water.
What is omega-3 milk?Presently in Canada there are two different types of omega-3 enhanced milk. One type is the result of feeding dairy cows a conventional diet enriched with the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexanoeic acid (DHA). Cows eating this special feed produce a milk that is higher in DHA. The other type is conventional milk enriched with flaxseed oil to increase the omega-3 fatty acid (alpha-linolenic acid) ALA. This product is labeled a milk beverage. Omega-3 fatty acids cannot be manufactured by the body and are considered essential to human health. For more information Dairy Farmers of Canada
For a thought provoking look at the history of Omega-3's in Western culture: The Queen of Fats - Why Omega-3's were removed from the western diet and what we can do to replace themThis book has been referred to as "The Silent Spring" of nutrition books.
Do I have to throw out cheese that has mold on it?If the mold is on firm cheese and can be easily isolated, it may be able to be saved. You should carefully cut off the mold plus at least one inch of cheese surrounding it. Re-cover the trimmed cheese tightly in a new wrap. Plastic wrap or waxed paper is good for this. Refrigerate and use it up as quickly as possible. After that, if the cheese tastes or smells off, or you discover more mold. Throw it out. If the mold is on fresh cheese, soft cheese or processed cheese, it should be thrown out. Some molds produce toxins and these could easily penetrate and spread throughout soft cheeses. Cheese varieties made with mold include Roquefort, Blue, Gorgonzola and Stilton. These will normally have blue and green veins or flecks of mold and are safe to eat. For more information on food safety |